Captation de cours (en)

NB : le guide est issu d’un projet européen et n’existe qu’en version anglaise.

How to move beyond lecture capture

These three guides, named « How to move beyond lecture capture« . They were the final outcomes of the European Lifelong learning project REC:all which run from 2010-2013. The guides are now being officially published by the Media & Learning Association which took the initiative to exploit the project activities. A SIG Lecture Capture and Video Use in Higher Education was created, the main activities are the organisation of regular webinars and a pre-conference workshop on Video in Higher Education before the Media & Learning Conference in Brussels.

  • Pedagogy guide (authors: Clive Young, UCL, UK and Sylvia Moes, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)

This guide gives you an introduction to the phenomenon of lecture capture, the impact it can have, student and teacher attitudes towards this technology in past years, and it also discusses questions like « What is the effect on attendance of students and on the lecture itself? ». The guide explains more about the active learning model and goes deeper into other pedagogical models that can be used in a lecture capture or blended learning setting. Another chapter is dedicated to the case studies as an outcome of the REC:all project, they can be useful for anyone looking for good examples of lecture capture use and/ or flipped learning. In the last part the RECall framework is presented which can help you to better understand the learning design and pedagogical choices made in each case study.

Pedagogy guide (EN)

  • Technology guide(authors: Mathy Vanbuel, ATiT, Belgium)

This guide provides information on the current state-of-the-art and types of lecture capture, it goes deeper into several functionalities (eg. interactivity, voice recognition, subtitling, social mark-up, automated indexing and metadata, integration with VLE platforms etc.). The guide also includes a chapter on technical trends and developments as well as a part about common fears. Last but not least it gives an overview of suppliers active in the lecture capture market and a matrix which can help you to make a comparison between lecture capture systems and services and its functionalities.

Technology guide (EN)

  • Legal guide (authors: Gérard Casanova, Yacine Abboud & Joy Peynet (Université de Lorraine, France) 

This guide gives more background information on copyright in general and as the details of these laws are different in each country you can find some more information on the situation in the UK, France and the Netherlands as examples. Further on the guide describes « the general rules » for using copyrighted material in web lectures specifically. The guide includes information on Open Educational Resources and Creative Common Licences and also discusses what to take into consideration when (re)using your own material or student material. Another chapter is dedicated to « the right to a person’s image » and another chapter focuses on « publicly broadcast materials or commercially produced materials » and how you can or cannot use them in your classroom. Finally the guide describes what you should consider when you want to protect resources that you have created and gives you some other useful tips when making podcasts or recording lectures.

Guide juridique (FR)

Legal guide (EN)

REC:all researched how lectures are currently being captured and used, exploring learning designs for flexible and off-campus delivery, reviewing technical, pedagogical and legal issues with an aim to producing practical guidelines such as this one to help teachers. The project has developed an active community of practitioners in this exciting area, the community can be joined via